Screen viewers

These display models are focused on environments where a complete customization of the type of display (colors, fonts, wallpapers, logos) is needed, tailored to a specific client.​


The PTH5 is a digital indicator/display on a TFT/LED/LCD screen that shows temperature and humidity values (RITE), captured through its analog probes, or transmitted via optional communication bus Modbus RS485 RTU, ModBus TCP, or Bacnet​.

The HDMI video image can be viewed on a TFT/LCD/LED screen of any size and resolution.​

It complies with the specifications established in the new Royal Decree 1826/2009 (RITE RD 1826/2009).​

It has a default configuration that can be easily customized by the user (color, font, background image, videos...).

Features PTH5/PPA10​

  • Complies with RITE RD 1826/2009 and RD 178/2021​
  • Complies with RD742/2013 ​
  • Display on LED/TFT screen of any dimension​
  • Power supply 5V dc​
  • Embedded CPU with HDMI video output ​
  • Includes temperature and humidity probe STH in model PTH-I​
  • Inputs 0-10V or 4-20mA for configurable data inputs in model PTH5-EA​
  • Optional communication buses ModBus RTU / TCP and Bacnet in model PTH5-C/ PPA10-C​
  • Extensive customization of colors, texts, logos, background images, and types of display

PPA 10

The PPA10 is a digital indicator/display on screen that shows any analog parameter captured through its 0-10V, 4-20mA, NTC inputs or communication bus Modbus RS485 RTU, ModBus TCP, or Bacnet on a TFT/LCD/LED monitor of any size and resolution. ​

One of its most widespread uses is as a digital indicator of air quality index or CO2 along with temperature and humidity as well as air quality values.​

This large digital indicator is easily customizable through its menu, allowing the display of up to 10 signals of any type of measurement and physical parameter.​

Alarm messages can be displayed on the screen based on analog values as a warning.​


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